Terms and Conditions
Terms of use
This website is published and operated by Think Publishing Limited on behalf of our client Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) and is made available to you on the following terms and conditions. By using the site and the services available you are deemed to accept these terms and conditions.
“Think”; “we”; “us”; and “our”; means Think Publishing Limited, registered company 03817566, 65 Riding House Street, London, W1W 7EH.
“User” means any person using this website.
“Jobseeker” means any person registering with us or purchasing any of our services to assist with your job search.
“Recruiter” means any person, company, organisation, or firm which purchases services from us to assist your recruitment needs.
“Advertiser” means any person, company, organisation, or firm which places advertising on this website (or anyone who acts as agent or buyer for the actual advertiser).
“You” and “your” mean User, Jobseeker or Recruiter as the case requires.
Jobseekers and recruiters need to be aware that Think do not introduce or supply jobseekers to recruiters (or vice versa). It is recommended that: if you are a jobseeker you should ensure your suitability for the role advertised; and if you are a recruiter, to ensure a jobseeker's suitability for the role, you should undertake the steps set out in The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations 2003.
CVs and job ads on the site are provided by jobseekers and prospective employers (or their respective agents) and are not reviewed by Think. We accept no responsibility or liability for the contents of CVs or advertisements and expect candidates and prospective employers to carry out such verification procedures as are customary in the circumstances.
Our liability, and the liability of our third-party suppliers, for any loss or damage suffered by you as the result of your use of this site is limited to your actual direct damages and, except in the case of fraud, excludes any loss of future earnings, profit or prospects or any consequential or speculative loss. As required by law, this exclusion does not extend to death or personal injury caused by our negligence.
These terms and conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with English law and all disputes shall be decided by the English courts.
If you have any concerns relating to this website or these terms and conditions you can contact Think by email at George.Taylor@ThinkPublishing.co.uk
Data protection
Our use of CVs and other personal information supplied by users of this site is governed by the privacy notice available at https://jobs.cih.org/cih-privacy-policy
The site
The information and services available on the site are provided for the sole purpose of individuals looking for job opportunities and career information and for employers seeking to recruit staff. Users may use, print and download information from the site for these purposes only and for no other personal or commercial purpose.
All copyright, database rights and other intellectual property rights in the site and the material available on the site belongs to Think or our third party suppliers. Use of the site does not give you any rights in such materials.
We try to ensure continuous availability of the site and all the services available on it but accept no responsibility for the consequences of interruptions or delays, however caused. All liability of Think, its directors or employees howsoever arising for any loss whatsoever arising from your use of or inability to use the website and/or the services is excluded, insofar as it is possible to do so in law. We may, additionally, alter the design and specification of the site at any time. Save to the extent possible by law Think does not warrant that our website or services will operate without error or that the site or services are free from infection by viruses or anything else which has contaminating or destructive properties and Think shall have no liability in respect thereof.
Think endeavours to support as many users as possible. We cannot guarantee availability of the service through all browsers. The website also requires users to enable session cookies (enabling permanent cookies is recommended) and JavaScript in their browser.
Think does not discriminate against anyone registered to or using this website. We try to ensure that all possible measures are taken to prevent any vacancies advertised or searches do not discriminate against age, disabilities, gender, or race. The search tools in place on the site do not have the functionality to exclude any jobseekers with disabilities. It is down to the users themselves to ensure they comply with discrimination laws.
Certain services of the website may be available to users without needing to register for an account. To provide you with such services, we will store the details you have provided and related information such as the date of your last activity on the website.
The services and information provided on the website by us and our third party suppliers are intended to assist in the job seeking or recruitment process. Neither we nor our third-party suppliers guarantee their suitability or prospects of success in any particular case. You should obtain independent verification before relying on information provided on the site in circumstances that may result in loss or damage.
You acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any CV or material contained therein placed by you on the website. You should be aware (subject to the contact details you provide) that you may be contacted directly by recruiters by email, post or telephone.
Think reserves the right to offer third party services and products to you based on the preferences that you identify in your registration and at any time thereafter or you have agreed to receive, such offers may be made by Think or by third parties. Please see our privacy policy for further details.
User Account Registration
Certain services of the website may be available to users only after registering for an account.
You understand and acknowledge that you have no ownership rights in your account and that if you cancel your account or your account is terminated, all your account information including CVs, profiles, cover letters, saved jobs, questionnaires will be marked as deleted and will be deleted from Think's databases within a reasonable time period. Third parties may retain saved copies of your information.
Think reserves the right to delete your account and all of your information after a significant duration of inactivity or in the event that any of our terms have been breached by you.
Should you wish to create an account with us, you must provide a valid email address and a password, or any alternative verification mechanism that may be available on the website (such as login via social media account). After we have received your registration application to create an account, we will confirm the receipt of such application with a message to the email address provided by you. The agreement for your account between you and us will come into effect when we activate your account.
You must provide the requested information and data completely and truthfully. You are responsible to keep your contact data (especially your email-address) up to date and to secure that you can be contacted under the address provided and that the email-address is not transferred to another person. Should any of the provided data change, you must adjust and correct the data immediately. In the event of incomplete or false information provided by you, we shall have the right, to block your account and the access to our services.
Please ensure that the services under your account are only used by you. You shall keep access data and passwords in strict confidence. You are responsible for any and all use of access data and passwords and all actions, which occur in context with the use of your account.
Your profile
You can create a profile (“profile”) within your account, which will consist of various CV related pieces of information, your job preferences as well as attachments provided by you. It will also keep a record of your activity on our website. You have a number of options when deciding how much of this information recruiters can see.
You can use your profile to apply to job advertisements that are published on the website. The respective recruiter will then have access to your profile even if it is not generally available and will be able to see the data you provided.
We will also use the data you have provided as part of your profile to provide you with job ad recommendations tailored to your needs based on your profile data.
As part of an active and public profile we may also provide a link to a profile about you on a publicly available business related social media website we have found about you to CV database search users. Such access to CV database can also be provided through browser plugins or other software that we or our group companies offer and which will allow our recruiters to access your CV if they visit certain social media websites.
If you choose to create a profile with us, then we will keep your CV on file until you ask us to delete your account from our database.
We do not warrant or guarantee a minimum volume of storage capacity for your profile. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently restrict the data volume for uploads of data, especially if necessary due to technical reasons, for example in order to maintain or optimise the service.
Recruiters - Terms and conditions of business
On receipt by us of your submitted information via our on-line form, email, telephone agreement or signed service agreement, you will be deemed to have accepted all of these terms and conditions. You also agree that all of the information you supply to us is correct, truthful and complete. You agree to inform us by email, telephone, or post of any changes to any of the information supplied by you to us. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement in the event that any of the information provided by you to us, is no longer current or accurate or in the event you are in breach of these terms and conditions.
We will not commence the provision of services pursuant to any order form until the order form has been returned to Think, in a form approved by Think and signed by the customer.
Prices are guaranteed for the period stated on the order form. Prices are confidential and may not be disclosed by the customer.
If any services to be used within any time period specified on the order form are not used within that period of time they may not be carried over into any subsequent period without our prior written consent. The customer will be responsible for payment for any unused services.
All prices exclude VAT. Unless otherwise agreed by Think, payment for all services will be due in advance, payable by credit card. In the event that Think (at its sole discretion) offers credit terms to you, payment will be due according to the terms specified on each invoice. Late payment will entitle us to suspend provision of services. Interest will be payable on late payments at the rate of 3% above base rate from time to time.
The customer may terminate the provision of services under any order form by no fewer than 30 days notice. Termination by the customer before the end of the contract term may, at our discretion, result in loss of any applicable discounts agreed for the entire contract term.
We may terminate the provision of services if:
- the customer is in material breach of these terms and conditions and has not remedied such breach within ten days of notice specifying the breach and requiring that it be remedied; or
- the customer becomes insolvent, ceases to trade or goes into liquidation.
Our total liability to the customer in respect of any services, except for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, is limited to the total amount paid to us during the contract term for such services or £10,000, whichever is the greater.
You will indemnify Think from any claims or liability arising from any breach by you of any of these terms and conditions relating to job posting, CV database or advertising.
Recruiters - Job posting
If you are an employment agency or an employment business (as defined by the Employment Agencies Act 1973 (“the Act”)) it is your responsibility to ensure that advertisements you place on this website comply with your obligations under the Act and Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2004. You agree to comply with the Act and these regulations as they affect the conduct of your business and the advertisements you place on this website.
A job posted on this website will remain live for 28 days or such shorter time as we agree with the customer. Any extension of this time will be charged to the customer as a new posting. Any jobs posted in addition to the agreed number of jobs per month will be charged at a price per job agreed with the customer at the time of the contract negotiation. A single job is identified by its unique number. If a customer deletes a job and then either reposts it or posts another, this will be classed as two jobs.
We have rules regarding the content and format of jobs posted on this website. Their purpose is to ensure that users who search the site or the CV database get results that are presented as clearly as possible. At our discretion and without liability to you, we will remove from this website any advertisement that is posted in breach of these rules. The rules may change from time to time and you are advised to refer to them regularly.
The rules are:
- No duplicating of jobs.
- No over-use of keywords in job descriptions or job titles. Over-use means deliberately inserting words with the intention of influencing the job listing's position in the results listing.
- Job advertisements placed on this website must be for genuine vacancies only.
- URLs or e-mail links are not allowed in the body copy of the job description page. E-mail links are permitted from the 'send an e-mail' link and url linking is permitted from the 'apply online' link.
Illegal advertisements
Advertisements that discriminate on grounds of sex, race, age religion (unless there is a genuine occupational requirement) or disability are illegal and may result in proceedings being taken against both the advertiser and the publisher. We may at our discretion remove any advertisement from the website if we feel it is in breach of employment discrimination rules.
Responses to advertisements
You agree to deal fairly and professionally with individuals who may respond to an advertisement you have posted.
It is your responsibility to carry out such checks and procedures as are necessary to ensure that jobseekers are suitable for the job advertised and have the required qualifications and personal characteristics. Think does not guarantee any response to your advertisement or that responses will be from individuals suitable for the job advertised.
Content and links
If your advertisement links to another site from the 'apply now' option, you are responsible for maintaining the links and for the content of your advertisement and the linked site. We may remove from this website any advertisement that contains content or links to a site that, in our opinion, is defamatory or illegal. You will indemnify Think from any claims or liability arising from content or links contained in your advertisements.
This website endeavours to support as many users as possible. We cannot guarantee availability of the service through all browsers. This website also requires jobseekers to enable session cookies (enabling permanent cookies is recommended) and JavaScript in their browser.
Recruiters - Use of CV database
Employment agencies and employment businesses
If you are an employment agency or an employment business (as defined by the Employment Agencies Act 1973 (“the Act”)) it is your responsibility to ensure that the use you make of information from our CV database complies with your obligations under the Act and the various regulations made under it, together with any applicable guidelines.
These regulations are currently contained in the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2004. You agree to comply with the Act and these regulations as they affect the conduct of your business and the use you make of information on our CV database.
Rights in the CV database
CV database rights and all other applicable copyright and intellectual property rights in the CV database belong to Think. You acknowledge that you do not acquire any rights in the database or its content and that your retention and use of the database and its content is governed by these terms and conditions.
Use of the database
The material you are entitled to receive from the CV database is determined by the product you have purchased from Think.
On receipt of this material you may:
- Use, search or download it to your database using the Jobseeker Search function
- Use the information about the individuals contained in the database for the purpose of contacting them
- Use the information only in connection with your own recruitment-related activities.
You may NOT:
- Supply, sell or license material from the CV database, or a copy of it, to any other person, including another member of your group of companies.
- Download the database through any automated process.
- Contact the individuals on the database or make or allow any use of the information about those individuals, other than for the purpose of finding suitable candidates for specific job vacancies. You must, at all times, comply with the Data Protection Act 1998 and all subsequent legislation and regulations.
Deletion of database material
You agree to delete all material from the CV database upon its replacement with up-to-date material or the satisfactory conclusion of your search for a suitable candidate, whichever occurs first.
Dealings with jobseekers
You agree to deal fairly with individuals you may contact using information from the CV database.
These terms and conditions apply to all advertising material (“campaigns”) accepted by Think for display on this and any other websites operated by us. By placing a campaign you accept these terms and conditions as principal, even if you are acting as agent or buyer for the actual advertiser.
If you are an employment agency or an employment business (as defined by the Employment Agencies Act 1973) it is your responsibility to ensure the advertisements you place on this website comply with the Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2004.
We must receive the complete creative content for a campaign in acceptable format at least two working days before the date specified in your order. To cancel or alter your order you must inform us, by fax or email at the number or address on the order, at least two working days before the date specified in your order. Otherwise, you must pay the full amount set out in the order.
You are responsible for the content of the campaign and for ensuring that it complies with all relevant legislation and codes of practice. We may, at our discretion, remove the campaign from display without reference or liability to you.
You will indemnify Think against any claim that the campaign or its content infringes the intellectual property rights or other rights of others or is defamatory or otherwise offensive.
Your sole remedy if we, or our third party subcontractors who may host and serve campaigns from time to time, make an error in displaying any campaign is the cost of re-running the relevant campaign. Neither we nor our subcontractors shall be liable in any circumstances for any loss of profit or business. We shall, additionally, have no liability for failure to display the campaign caused by circumstances outside our control.
Last updated 26 July 2024