Housing Jobs

Housing Support Mentor (Maternity Cover)

companyAdferiad Recovery
locationColwyn Bay, UK
PublishedPublished: Published 5 days ago
Supported / Sheltered housing
To provide a floating support service for individuals experiencing substance use, mental health and or housing related issues. Providing support that enables service users to live independently and feel safe and secure with the long-term aim of them living substance free and independently in their own homes.

Working with service users in areas such as employment, training and education, debt management and daily living skills to promote wellbeing and a healthy lifestyle.

AC217 Candidate Pack.pdf

How to Complete an Application Form

Interview Date: Friday 27th September 2024

If you think you might have these skills, but are not 100% sure, please do still apply and let us decide. We know that certain groups rule themselves out of interesting opportunities assuming that others will be more successful, but please don't be that person. We want to hear from the widest cross section of the community.

If you have difficulty accessing this information or would like it in a different format, please contact our recruitment team at [email protected] or 01492 863005

Darparu gwasanaeth cymorth fel y bo'r angen i unigolion sy'n profi problemau sy'n ymwneud â defnyddio sylweddau, iechyd meddwl a/neu faterion sy'n ymwneud â thai. Darparu cymorth sy'n galluogi defnyddwyr gwasanaeth i fyw'n annibynnol a theimlo'n ddiogel gyda'r nod hirdymor o fyw'n rhydd o sylweddau ac yn annibynnol yn eu cartrefi eu hunain.

Gweithio gyda defnyddwyr gwasanaeth mewn meysydd fel cyflogaeth, hyfforddiant ac addysg, rheoli dyled a sgiliau byw bob dydd i hybu lles a ffordd iach o fyw.

Os credwch fod gennych y sgiliau hyn, ond nad ydych 100% yn siŵr, gwnewch gais o hyd a gadewch i ni benderfynu. Gwyddom fod rhai grwpiau yn diystyru eu hunain o gyfleoedd diddorol gan gymryd y bydd eraill yn fwy llwyddiannus, ond peidiwch â bod y person hwnnw. Rydym am glywed gan y trawstoriad ehangaf o'r gymuned.

Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth cael mynediad i'r wybodaeth hon neu os hoffech chi ei chael mewn fformat gwahanol, cysylltwch â'n tîm recriwtio yn [email protected] neu 01492 863005