Housing Jobs

Young People's Housing Support Mentor

companyAdferiad Recovery
locationMerthyr Tydfil CF48, UK
PublishedPublished: Published 4 days ago
Supported / Sheltered housing
In this role you will be a part of a staff team of full-time and part time Young People's Housing Support Mentors fulfilling a rota system ensuring a staff member is always on shift covering a total of 168 hours of support per week.

Staff will be expected to be flexible and work across the hours and days of service delivery (7 days per week, 24 hours a day) and will be part of a rota of on-call service for out of hours provision where necessary.

Candidate Pack - Here

How to Complete an Application Form

Provisional interview date: Monday, 14th October 2024

If you think you might have these skills, but are not 100% sure, please do still apply and let us decide. We know that certain groups rule themselves out of interesting opportunities assuming that others will be more successful, but please don't be that person. We want to hear from the widest cross section of the community.

If you have difficulty accessing this information or would like it in a different format, please contact our recruitment team at [email protected] or 01492 863005


Yn y rôl hon byddwch yn rhan o dîm staff o Fentoriaid Cymorth Tai Pobl Ifanc amser llawn a rhan amser yn cyflawni system rota gan sicrhau bod aelod o staff bob amser ar sifft sy'n cwmpasu cyfanswm o 168 awr o gymorth yr wythnos.

Bydd disgwyl i staff fod yn hyblyg a gweithio ar draws yr oriau a'r dyddiau o ddarparu gwasanaeth (7 diwrnod yr wythnos, 24 awr y dydd) a byddant yn rhan o rota o wasanaeth ar alwad ar gyfer darpariaeth y tu allan i oriau lle bo angen.

Dyddiad cyfweliad amodol: Dydd Llun, 14 Hydref 2024

Os credwch fod gennych y sgiliau hyn, ond nad ydych 100% yn siŵr, gwnewch gais o hyd a gadewch i ni benderfynu. Gwyddom fod rhai grwpiau yn diystyru eu hunain o gyfleoedd diddorol gan gymryd y bydd eraill yn fwy llwyddiannus, ond peidiwch â bod y person hwnnw. Rydym am glywed gan y trawstoriad ehangaf o'r gymuned.

Os ydych chi'n cael trafferth cael mynediad i'r wybodaeth hon neu os hoffech chi ei chael mewn fformat gwahanol, cysylltwch â'n tîm recriwtio yn [email protected] neu 01492 863005