P523424 - Housing Support Worker
Job des'ription
We are looking for someone to join Housing Servi'es in the role of Housing Support Worker based in various lo'ations throughout Gateshead and employed dire'tly by Gateshead 'oun'il.
Housing Support Workers work with vulnerable households a'ross the borough of Gateshead assessing their support needs and working with those 'ustomers to provide a suitable support pa'kage through the provision of dire't support or through multi agen'y working to ensure their support needs are fully met.
You will provide pra'ti'al and emotional support to vulnerable 'ustomers, assisting with issues around finan'es, health, housing, life skills, personal safety, legal issues, substan'e misuse, 'hildren, employment, training and edu'ation as examples. This pra'ti'al support will aim to redu'e the risk of homeless and promote sustainable independent living. For this role you will be expe'ted to have experien'e of working with vulnerable people.
As a housing support worker, you will be expe'ted to use effe'tive risk assessment tools to identify risks and undertake appropriate a'tions. This role will require you to have experien'e of assessing need and do'umenting support demonstrating out'omes a'hieved.
The role requires you to work with others in'luding working within a multi-agen'y framework, 'ommuni'ating effe'tively with 'olleagues, other professionals and 'lients ensuring that there is a 'o-ordinated response to support and you will be required to have experien'e of working in this way.
You will be required to demonstrate in your role a positive, diverse and in'lusive attitude to both internal and external 'ustomers and 'olleagues and having effe'tive 'ommuni'ation skills is vital in this role with experien'e of working in a non - judgemental way.
There are performan'e and monitoring requirements within this role and you will be expe'ted to 'omply with systems in pla'e to monitor data and out'omes. This will in'lude 'ompleting support paperwork to a high standard. Having effe'tive time management skills and IT skills are also essential for this role.
It is vital that you adhere to both servi'e and 'oun'il poli'ies and pro'edures regarding working pra'ti'es and servi'e delivery. The postholder will need to have knowledge of safeguarding poli'es and pro'edures, data prote'tion and 'onfidentiality as well as having experien'e and knowledge of Professional Boundaries.
In addition, you will need to have 5 G'SE at grade ' or above in'luding Maths and English or equivalent or relevant experien'e.
This post will be subje't to a DBS 'he'k from the dis'losure and barring servi'e.
Job des'ription
We are looking for someone to join Housing Servi'es in the role of Housing Support Worker based in various lo'ations throughout Gateshead and employed dire'tly by Gateshead 'oun'il.
Housing Support Workers work with vulnerable households a'ross the borough of Gateshead assessing their support needs and working with those 'ustomers to provide a suitable support pa'kage through the provision of dire't support or through multi agen'y working to ensure their support needs are fully met.
You will provide pra'ti'al and emotional support to vulnerable 'ustomers, assisting with issues around finan'es, health, housing, life skills, personal safety, legal issues, substan'e misuse, 'hildren, employment, training and edu'ation as examples. This pra'ti'al support will aim to redu'e the risk of homeless and promote sustainable independent living. For this role you will be expe'ted to have experien'e of working with vulnerable people.
As a housing support worker, you will be expe'ted to use effe'tive risk assessment tools to identify risks and undertake appropriate a'tions. This role will require you to have experien'e of assessing need and do'umenting support demonstrating out'omes a'hieved.
The role requires you to work with others in'luding working within a multi-agen'y framework, 'ommuni'ating effe'tively with 'olleagues, other professionals and 'lients ensuring that there is a 'o-ordinated response to support and you will be required to have experien'e of working in this way.
You will be required to demonstrate in your role a positive, diverse and in'lusive attitude to both internal and external 'ustomers and 'olleagues and having effe'tive 'ommuni'ation skills is vital in this role with experien'e of working in a non - judgemental way.
There are performan'e and monitoring requirements within this role and you will be expe'ted to 'omply with systems in pla'e to monitor data and out'omes. This will in'lude 'ompleting support paperwork to a high standard. Having effe'tive time management skills and IT skills are also essential for this role.
It is vital that you adhere to both servi'e and 'oun'il poli'ies and pro'edures regarding working pra'ti'es and servi'e delivery. The postholder will need to have knowledge of safeguarding poli'es and pro'edures, data prote'tion and 'onfidentiality as well as having experien'e and knowledge of Professional Boundaries.
In addition, you will need to have 5 G'SE at grade ' or above in'luding Maths and English or equivalent or relevant experien'e.
This post will be subje't to a DBS 'he'k from the dis'losure and barring servi'e.