Housing Jobs
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Housing Jobs

Helping you find your ideal role as a housing professional

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Central Services, Fareham House, 69 High Street Fareham PO16 7BB United Kingdom


1 Lancaster Circus Birmingham B1 1TU United Kingdom


North Suite, First Floor, 1 Jubilee Street Brighton BN1 1GE United Kingdom


Suites 5 and 6 Rowan House Westwood Way Coventry CV4 8HS United Kingdom

knowledge hub icons

Make the most of your CIH membership - how to use the Knowledge Hub

The CIH knowledge hub is a vast library of information on the latest housing issues, in-depth case studies and other resources in. Take advantage and gain insight into what you need to know to deliver excellent housing services.
Industry Insights
people looking up towards the camers

CIH professional standards

CIH professional standards enable you to think about your professional development needs, and how you can contribute to the professionalism of your organisation and the wider sector.
Careers Advice
abstract painting of a house using blue and red triangles

UK Housing Review

The UK Housing Review is the prime source of information and analysis for all concerned with housing policy and finance; a crucial resource for housing professionals, leaders, and policymakers across the UK's public and private housing sectors.
Industry Insights